3 Common Security Threats to Your Dedicated Server Hosting Platforms
3 Common Security Threats to Your Dedicated Server Hosting Platforms

There might be several reasons for you to choose dedicated server web hosting for your business in Dubai with the controlling power over the resources being the decisive factor. Although there many benefits with dedicated server hosting there also comes risks. Here are three common security threats to your dedicated server hosting platforms.    

1. Denial of Service Attack

A denial-of-service (DoS) attack is an onslaught on a machine or network, by making it inaccessible to its intended users. DoS is executed by jamming the target with traffic or sending data capable of creating a crash.

As a first step of defense against such attacks is to ensure that you have selected a dedicated server host in UAE deployed on high quality hardware which is strong enough to withstand such an attack and offers sufficient system resources. Also check with your hosting provider if there is a robust firewall for blocking malicious attacks

2. Breach of Security

With a dedicated server the customers can install the desires applications effortlessly. But the boon can be a curse because it is prone to malware. Malware consists of a wide variety of software coded to steal information from your server like viruses, worms, trojans and spyware. The functionality of these applications may differ, but they contain recordings of every action or replication of critical and confidential databases.

If so, what can you do?

Ensure that the web hosting company in UAE is regularly checking your website on a regular basis for any unusual advertisements and invisible frames. Also, consider testing all software applications on a secure and isolated home device before uploading it to a website. Moreover, search for a hosting provider that offers ongoing vulnerability scanning or real-time server monitoring.

3. Password Breach

The hacking technology has become sophisticated over time. Many attacks start with the easiest of points: your password. Unfortunately, many account holders do not use a strong password. Thus, the hackers can easily get the passwords with or without using any high-tech software tools and access information.

What can be done is to not to resort to words, terms or phrases that can be found in dictionary. Preferably use a random combination of upper case and lower-case characters and numbers to make it difficult for a hacker to get your password. 

Do not use the same password for a long period of time. Change passwords frequently, not less than two weeks.


The above three attacks are the three commonly occurring security concerns present in a web hosting package. With rapidly evolving security attacks you should spend time researching online.