Cloud VPS Hosting and its Many Benefits
Cloud VPS Hosting and its Many Benefits

Cloud hosting – a web hosting trend that has been rising in ranks over the past couple of years, and intriguing both webmasters and enterprises alike. The web hosting Dubai industry vouches for the rising demand of cloud hosting solutions for enterprises, and emphasizes its effectiveness in alleviating many common web hosting issues. 

Medium to large scale industries prefer cloud VPS hosting solutions owing to its multiple benefits over other types of hosting solutions. 

Benefits of Cloud VPS solutions

The cloud has no limitations – Unlike physical servers that have various limitations including that of space, cloud servers are on a virtual space. The cloud is basically a cluster of interconnected servers which essentially provides near limitless computing resources for the hosted website (including RAM, CPU, bandwidth etc.).

Reduces IT expenses – A business will be incurring some amount of expenses in the form of IT operational costs (including web hosting maintenance and administration cost). When cloud VPS hosting is involved, they won’t need to invest a lot on hosting administration and maintenance. For large companies, this means a serious reduction in IT expenses. 

Customizable storage & other options – Cloud is essentially a large network of servers. So it can allow user to customize their storage options as they fit. This way, they can avail multiple servers for storage, access and control them all via online control panels. This merit is ideal for hosting websites that require a lot of storage space. 

Reliable, Scalable and Flexible – When it comes to scalability, cloud takes the prize over other hosting types. Cloud technology is basically the definition of scalability. As for reliability, cloud solutions offer an array of backup/recovery and storage features which makes a good difference in reducing website downtime, and preventing loss of data. It also grants users the flexibility to pay only for what they use. 

Efficient data recovery – Because the cloud uses multiple servers to host the users’ data, there will be no harm to those data even if a single server fails. In addition to this, the users are also given access to efficient data recovery procedures in case one of its many data centres experiences an outage. 

Multiple redundancy – Unlike dedicated servers, cloud hosting solutions are highly redundant, which means in the event that a part of the cloud system fails, duplicate copies of data or equipment will be supplied without causing any interruptions. A CPU replacement in a dedicated server can interrupt the hosting service. But the redundancy factor of cloud VPS hosting solutions make sure the service is never interrupted during system failures.

Pay only for what you use – Cloud VPS solutions require users to pay for only what they use – no upfront or ongoing costs (for equipment). Users can use any amount of resources they require and will be charged only for their usage.